Tell Halaf Grabungsprojekt

Excavation 2009

Elisabeth Katzy, M.A. / Katharina Schmidt

In the season of 2009, investigations continued at the backside of the «West-Palast» and at the mudbrick terrace. The goal was to establish the date and function of building A 7 and its predecessor A 9.
Reinvestigations on the northern façade of the «West-Palast» revealed the structures of round building 4. The ongoing excavations on the northern slope exposed round building 5.
Excavations at the «Nordost-Palast» were aimed at providing more information about the extent of the Neo-Assyrian building. New trenches were opened where four Hellenistic levels (C04a-C04d), resting directly upon the remains of the Assyrian walls, were discovered.
This season, investigations at the so-called «Stadttempel», which had begun in 2008, continued and another area of excavation (Area G) was opened in the north-eastern part of the lower town. Its primary concern is the investigation of the stratigraphy of the lower town.

Special Studies
We would like to thank Dr. James Lankton (London/England), who determined the material of selected objects made of frit, fayence, glas and glazed pottery from Tell Halaf as part of his research.

Team 2009

Area A
Dr. Lutz Martin (Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin)
Muhammad Fakhru, Student (Universität Aleppo)
Raphaela Heitmann, M.A. (Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin)
Helen Gries, Studentin (Universität Mainz)
Dani Abou, Student (Ras al-Ain)

Area B
Dr. Jörg Becker (Universität Halle)
Markus Königsdörfer, M.A. (Universität Halle)
Christine Gentzsch, Studentin (Universität Halle)
Gerlinde Bigga, M.A. (Universität Tübingen)
Huzaifa Zakariya, Student (Universität Damaskus)

Area C
PD Dr. Mirko Novák (Universität Tübingen)
Samer Abdel Ghafour (Antikenverwaltung Damaskus)
Katharina Schmidt, Studentin (Universität München)
Alexander Sollee, Student (Universität München)
Maram Diab (antikenverwaltung Damaskus)
Yasin al-Kader, Student (Ras el-Ain)
Mohammad Menem, Student (Universität Damaskus)

Area E
Prof. Dr. Winfried Orthmann (Mandelbachtal)
David Kertai, M.A. (Universität Heidelberg)
Anke Hein, Studentin (Universität Heidelberg)

Area G
Dr. Ralf-B. Wartke (Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin)
Anna Gnyp, Studentin (Universität Mainz)

Indoor Staff
Small objects – first listing:
Elisabeth Katzy, M.A. (Universität Tübingen)
Jennifer Ströber, Studentin (Universität Tübingen)

Small objects – documentation:
Gabriele Elsen-Novák, M.A. (Universität Tübingen)
Helga Kosak, Arch. Zeichnerin (Berlin)
Katja Sternitzke, M.A. (Universität München)

Documentation of the Hellenistic material:
Elisabeth Katzy, M.A. (Tübingen)

Günther Mirsch (Steinau)
Laura Simons, M.A. (Universität Tübingen)

Dorothee Brück, Dipl.-Rest. & Goldschmiedin (Freiberuflich tätig, Paderborn)
Barbara Neubauer, Studentin (Hildesheim)
Daniel Meyer, Plastik- und Skulpturenmaler / Gipskunstformer (Gipsformerei Staatliche Museen zu Berlin)

Dr. Uwe Sievertsen (Universität Tübingen / St. Gallen)
Eva Ťuchova, Studentin (Universität Bratislava)

Dr. Simone Riehl (Universität Tübingen)

Karsten Malige, Dipl.-Ing. (Ingenieurbüro Malige - Vermessung & Geoinformation, Muggensturm)
Carolina Feigenbutz, Studentin (TU Karlsruhe (KIT), Fachrichtung Architektur)
Sebastian Jost, Student (TU Karlsruhe (KIT), Fachrichtung Architektur)

Epigraphic Finds:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fuchs (Universität Tübingen)

Local Workforce
120 workers from Tell Halaf

Again, we were happy to welcome many visitors to our dig and to explain our newest results to them.

(Translation: A. Sollee / B. Sollee)

1Excavation Areas (map)
2Team 2009 (Photo: L. Simons)
3Area C: Work in progress 2009 (Photo: G. Mirsch)
4Area C: Recovering a vessel (Photo: K. Schmidt)
5Drawing pottery (Photo: K. Schmidt)
6Work in progress 2009 (Photo: G. Mirsch)
7Area B: Work in progress 2009 (Photo: L. Simons)
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